The Big Bang is a Theory which the world treats as fact and expects you to believe it as fact.
Quite a lot of Scientists themselves doubt its validity.
Virtually all scientific research money for such projects comes from Big Bang supporting sources.
We have to be convinced that the Big Bang is true because the alternative would mean we may need to consider that God created the Universe.
The recipe for Evolution involved the destruction of the old belief that God created everything supernaturally.
Darwin needed huge periods of time for his theory of evolution to work.
Lyell made respectable the idea of millions of years and long ages in relation to Geology.
The collusion of these two enabled the theories of evolution and long ages to be acceptable to the world and the general public.
The word Dinosaur was introduced in 1841
Dragons are Dinosaurs
History records man and Dinosaurs co-existed.
Recent Carbon dating of Dinosaur fossils suggest Dinosaurs lived within thousands of years not millions.
Dinosaurs were created on day 6 of creation along with man.
God describes a Dinosaur in conversation with Job in Job 40 v 15-24
Do you really accept that your family album started with “Pond Scum” and your most recent relation was an ape?
We know that instinctively that we are different from every other form of life.
Maybe we could believe it if we could see current ape behaviour developing even minor skills like lighting fire and creating a simple axe head.
Instead we see lifestyles and capabilities of apes and other creatures are permanently fixed.
Darwin stated that lack of fossil evidence would be fatal to his theory of evolution.
We know today that the missing links he needed have never been found.
Palaeontologists readily admit these missing links have never been found.
The logical deduction from this is that the Theory of Evolution far from being fact is actually dead according to the words of its founder.
Radiometric is based on so many un provable assumptions that it really proves nothing.
Recent dating on recently formed rocks e.g. volcanic rocks from Mount St Helens Volcano were sent to reputable dating labs and came back as being millions of years old when actually they were only formed a few decades ago.
Dawkins use of Water and Candle clocks as analogies prove how weak and liable to contamination these methods are.
Science is proving in more ways than one that we are going downhill (devolving) not uphill (evolving).
The Bible predicts from Genesis onwards that the whole cosmos is now subject to decay even Science is proving this to be true.
Evolutionary theory predicts everything is getting better when science knows this is not true.
Life in its very simplest form is far from simple in fact it is extremely complex coming with an instructional and developmental code which we are just staring to understand.
To say life started from some sort of primordial goo and then continued to develop and change into all the diversity we see is at very best nonsense.
All life from the simplest form has been designed you only need look at a single cell to know that is true.
The world’s message seems to say we have explained away the need for God by explaining how everything came to be.
Here are two great minds Einstein and Futuyuma saying we should consider the possibility that God exists even though they don’t believe themselves.
God is at least an equal chance of both existing and being the answer to all things when you consider the more we discover the more complex things appear.
Lyell argued that nothing other than slow gradual erosion and deposition can be applied to Geology.
We know from events like the Mount St Helens eruption that geological deposits can occur very quickly.
The worldwide flood provides an explanation for the geological layers and fossil deposits we see today.
Scientists avoid using Carbon 14 dating on Dinosaur Bones as it reveals dates the thousands of years not millions.
The more Science tries to prove Evolution is true the more it finds what it has set out to prove is wrong and simply cannot be the truth.
The media, natural history programmes, science journals will all continue to proclaim the “facts” of evolution etc while at the same time the scientists know this cannot be true.
The story we are told that all life began through a process of evolution is one of the biggest lies ever told.
There is no evidence at all of one kind of creature evolving into another if it was so there would be millions of transitional creatures, there are none.
We must therefore consider other answers to the Big Question.
The only other reasoned option is that God created life could it be that this is so?